Professor Ana Vinuela

Professor Ana Vinuela

Ana Vinuela is Doctor in Economics and Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Oviedo.
Recently appointed Executive Director of the Regional Science Association International, RSAI (starting in January 2025).
She is an active member of the AECR (Asociacion Espanola de Ciencia Regional) and part of the research group on Regional Economics REGIOlab (Regional Economic Analysis Laboratory) founded in 2011, with active presence and research activity in the regional, national and international arena.

She was visiting professor in REAL (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), the University of Aberystwyth in Wales or the Universitá degli Studi G d´Annuzio Chieti-Pescara in Italy. She was -or has been- involved in several national and European competitive projects dealing with spatial justice, the left behindness concept and its manifestations, and the importance of data science in Human and Social Sciences. At present she is responsible of the quantitative part of the European Project EXIT and is collaborating with local authorities in the field of territorial inequalities and (un)equal opportunities. Member of scientific and editorial committees in many national-international conferences and journals, at present is strongly committed to Regional Science Policy and Practice (RSPP), which is one of the journals of the RSAI.

She is the author of more than 20 international scientific articles, several reports for the European Commission related to territorial inequalities and some book chapters published by Thomson or Springer.

Her most recent indexed publications are related to the adequacy of using local data to analyze the sources and consequences of territorial inequalities as includes: Viñuela, A. (2022) “Immigrant´s spatial concentration: Region or locality attractiveness?”, Population, Space and Place, 45 (3): 352-369. Impact Factor SSCI-JCR 2020: 2,477 (Q3 Urban Studies). DOI:

Fernández, E., Díaz, A., Rubiera, F., Viñuela, A. (2020) “Spatial disaggregation of social indicators: an info-metrics approach”, Social Indicators Research, 152: 809–821. Impact Factor SSCI-JCR 2020: 1,874 (Q2 Social Sciences). DOI:

Gutiérrez, D., Rubiera, F., Viñuela, A. (2019) “Determinants of immigrants’ concentration at local level in Spain: why size and position still matter”, Population, Space and Place, 25 (7). Impact Factor SSCI- JCR 2019: 2,591 (Q1 Demography). DOI:

Gutiérrez, D., Rubiera, F., Viñuela, A. (2018) “Ageing places in an ageing country: the local dynamics of elderly population in Spain”, Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie – Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 109 (3): 332-349. Impact Factor SSCI-JCR 2018: 1,122 (Q2 Economics). DOI:

Academic Profile by:

Professor Assistant Filipos Ruxho, Sustainable Regional Development Scientific Journal
