Professor Lea YPI

Professor Lea YPI

Albanian academic and author
Professor in Political Theory, Department of Government. London School of Economics, London, UK.

Lea Ypi is Professor in Political Theory in the Government Department, London School of Economics, and Adjunct Associate Professor in Philosophy at the Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University. Before joining the LSE, she was a Post-Doctoral Prize Research Fellow at Nuffield College (Oxford) and a researcher at the European University Institute where she obtained her PhD.
She has degrees in Philosophy and Literature from the University of Rome, La Sapienza, and has held visiting and research positions at Sciences Po, the University of Frankfurt, the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, the Australian National University and the Italian Institute for Historical Studies.

Research interests
- Normative political theory (including democratic theory, theories of justice, and issues of migration and territorial rights).
- Enlightenment political thought (especially Kant).
- Nationalism in the intellectual history of the Balkans (especially Albania).

Selected publications
- Free Coming of Age at the End of History (2021).
- The Architectonic of Reason

Academic Profile by:

Professor Assistant Filipos Ruxho, Sustainable Regional Development Scientific Journal
