English Editions -Constitutions


Pursuant to article 1 of the Articles of Incorporation, the name of the Institution, which was incorporated according to by articles 54 – 63 of the Albanian Civil Code (“ACC”) as well as by Law no.8788 of 7 May 2001, “On Non-Profit Organizations” as amended; (“NPO Law”); and Law no.8789 of 7 May 2001 “On the Registration of Non-Profit Organizations” (“NPO Reg. Law”), and as defined in Articles 18 and 20 of Law No. 06 / L-043 on Freedom of Association in Non-Governmental Organizations in the Republic of Kosovo. is the “ALBANIAN ASSOCIATION OF REGIONAL SCIENTISTS” [A.A.R.S. is a Think Tank of groups of people with multidisciplinary work in the fields of Regional Sciences and Sustainability, which occurs with the selfless contribution of participants who offer their work to the global scientific community], in collaboration with the Institute of Scientific Research for Sustainable Development, and the duration of its incorporation was determined to twenty (20) years (i.e. until 2042). The Institution’s registered seat is presently the Municipality of Tirana, Albania. The address of its head offices is at 4 Rexhep Shala Street, Pall.3/2, Ap.15, Municipality Unit.6, Postal Code 1052, Tirana, and Municipality of Prishtina, Kosovo at 36 Ahmet Korenica Street, Lagja Mati I, Postal Code 10000, Prishtina.

The object of the Institution is:
a) scientific research and the publication of a periodical journal under the name “Sustainable Regional Development Scientific Journal” in Albanian (“Revista Shkencore e Zhvillimit të Qëndrueshëm Rajonal”), Spanish (“Revista Científica Desarrollo Regional Sostenible”), French (“Revue Scientifique du Développement Régional Durable”), German or other languages , concerning the science of regional development,
b) the organization of relevant scientific, professional, social and cultural events, meetings, lectures concerning the science of regional development,
c) the publication of other journals, books, theses, collective work or the construction of websites on the internet regarding the promotion of the science of regional development,
d) the collaboration with other institutions, civil societies, academic institutions with similar objects and activities in Albania and Kosovo or abroad, and
e) any activity relating to above objects.

Pursuant to article 4 of the Articles of Incorporation, the Insitution’s Board of Directors comprise three (3) members, elected by the General Meeting for a five-year term of office. All Board members may be re-elected. The current Chairman of the Board and legal representative of the Institution is Professor Assistant Dr. Filipos A. Ruxho.