English Editions -Regulations



(According to Articles of Association of Albanian Association of Regional Scientists)


The Sustainable Regional Development Scientific Journal (SRDSJ) publishes original work that advances scientific dialogue and speculation of knowledge concerned with analytical approaches (methodologies, methods and techniques) to matters and processes in which space, distance or separation play an important role. SRDSJ’s topics of interest include, but are not limited to, location theory or spatial/regional economics, sustainable development, location modelling, transportation, migration analysis, land use and urban development, interdisciplinary and inter-industry analysis, environmental and ecological analysis and planning, energy and resource management and planning, urban, rural and regional policy analysis, geographical information systems, and spatial data analysis. In the broadest sense, any social science analysis that has a sustainable regional dimension is embraced by SRDSJ.

The approaches can be either theoretical or empirical, with the use of quantitative or qualitative methods. Contributions that cover issues of international interest, especially in an interregional or cross-border context in the region of Central – South-eastern Europe, Mediterranean and Western Balkans are particularly encouraged. Applied studies and announcements that concern particularly difficult or special problems, and offer solutions with a high degree of originality or technological effectiveness are also welcome.

Additionally, the Review section of SRDSJ publishes articles that promote regional science and policy to the general public, fostering public interest. The Journal accepts texts on political issues, critiques of congresses, interviews with foreign and Greek academics, thematic critiques, as well as reviews/ presentations of relevant books and audiovisual products/ services of new technologies referring to the previous topics (films, television programs, DVD, websites etc.). Articles are reviewed by at least two anonymous subject experts who remain anonymous and submit their written reviews separately. The other texts are reviewed by the Editors.

Article 2. STRUCTURE

The Scientific Journal is directed by a Board of twenty one (21) members and consists of a mandatory number of twenty (20) members who are members of the AARS and Professors at University Institutions or high calibre scientists especially from the field of regional development, and the President of the AARS or his legal deputy. The work of the above Board is the planning and the implementation of the overall scientific work of the Journal. The Board is chaired by the Managing Editor who is elected from among its members. The Journal is managed by the following parties:

1. Τhe Publisher-Manager who has both managerial and legal responsibility. The position is held by the Board of AARS at that time.

2. Τhe Μanaging Editor is responsible for coordinating periodical publication of scientific papers. He may be called upon to appoint alternative editors to take his place on a temporary basis.

3. Τhe Editors who are jointly responsible for Managing Editors’ mission.

4. Τhe Review Editors review every article prior to publication, ensuring that each piece contains circumstantial regional analysis.

5. The Copy Editor proofread material and offer suggestions for editing content.

6. Τhe Members who are required to fulfil a variety of obligations.

7. The Advisors pose advice and suggestions to lead authors and editors on how to handle contentions/controversial issues.

8. Τhe Journal Manager is responsible for the financial management of the Journal in cooperation with the Publisher-Manager and according to the directions and decisions of the BD of AARS.

The rest of the members as well as the rest of the duties and responsibilities are defined by the constitution of the AARS.

All the above members mentioned, are appointed by decision of the Board of the AARS upon the proposal of the Managing Editor.

The Journal is published on a non-profit basis and its publication and distribution are defined by decision of the BD of the AARS.

Article 3. OPERATION


Communication with the editors is conducted through the seat of the Journal and their registered electronic or postal addresses.


The secretariat is responsible for the facilitation of communication between the authors and the editors according to the directions of the BD and for administering the follow up work.


1. General aspects

All submitted articles should report original work, previously unpublished and not under consideration for publication elsewhere and they are subject to both review and editing.

Articles should be in good technical English with a length normally between 6,500-8,000 words, while all other texts should not exceed 2,500 words, apart from the references, tables and illustrations.

The first page of the manuscripts should contain the article title, the name and the affiliation of the authors with sufficient contact details (the corresponding author should be properly identified here).

Articles should have a set of Keywords (up to 7) and an Abstract (under 250 words, without references), followed by the Introduction, Methodology and Data, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References.

2. Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted in one single electronic file, an MS Word file, to the registered electronic address of the editors. It is also possible, for review purposes only, to submit the manuscript as a PDF file (or other similar format).

NOTE: The books for review are sent in two copies to the seat of the Journal.

3. Text formation

- Manuscripts should be typewritten with margins 2.5 cm x 2.5cm on A4 size paper. Margins should be consistent on all pages.

- All pages should be numbered consecutively.

- Titles and subtitles should be short.

The text should be set in Times New Roman, size 11pt, normal, in a single column.

Headings should be set in Bold.

NOTE: Texts that do not comply with the specified formation will be returned to the authors for proper adjustment.

4. Tables – Illustrations

Tables and illustrations should be titled, consecutively numbered, embedded in the manuscript in one single electronic file, properly cited and placed in the main text. Tables are numbered separately from the illustrations. If you have original drawings or photos you must scan them and embed them in the file as above. Tables and illustrations should not appear on the opening page (first page) or after the references and must fit within the page margins.

5. Color originals

Color texts or illustrations are accepted for online publishing; however hard copies should only be black and white.

6. References

- Authors are encouraged to include a concise literature survey. References to published literature within the text should be cited by the name of the author followed by the consecutive number in square bracket, and should be presented in a numerical list at the end of the text.

- Full references should be given in the following form: Author(s) (Name and Initials), “Title of Article”, in Title of Book or Title of Journal or Title and Place of Conference, Editor(s) (Name and Initials), Volume (Vol.) Nr/Issue Nr, Place of Publication, Publisher, Year, Pages (pp.)

7. Footnotes

Footnotes should be kept to a minimum, numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscripts and should appear at the bottom of each page.

8. Copyright

The journal will reserve the copyright over all the material published therein. However, the authors may personally use their work elsewhere after publication without prior permission, provided that acknowledgement is given to the Journal as well as notification for such an action.

9. Limited Liability

- Any views expressed in the journal are the views of the authors and not the views of the Journal.

- Obtaining the permission to reproduce any material copyrighted by third holders and the right to use it is the responsibility of the authors.


The present Regulation can be modified only by decision of the AARS Board after proposal of the Publisher-Manager or the Managing Editor according to their competences and its existence shall be referred to the articles of AARS by decision of the Board General Meeting. The present regulation must be part of the constitution of the AARS.